Monday, September 16, 2019



-LNWH is no longer broadcast by the BBC but is still available online . Summarise the differences between broadcasting and podcasting  for the audience and how it may affect the content and structure of a programme.

A large difference between podcasting and live radio is the fact that live radio cannot be edited after it has been broadcast, whereas podcasts are pre-recorded so they can easily be adjusted after recording. ... While radio can include pre-recorded content, many shows are usually live broadcasts.

-Define and give an example of a commercial  and a public Service  radio broadcaster, explaining the key differences.

Public Service Broadcaster  is a state funded media broadcaster intended not simply for commercial purposes, but more, to benefit the public.A Commercial Broadcaster is a media broadcaster produced through by privately owned corporate media, a stark contrast to the state funded model of the PSB.

-Explain the identity and purpose of the BBC based on its origins, history and how it is funded.

The BBC is a British organization which broadcasts programmes on radio and television. BBC is an abbreviation for 'British Broadcasting Corporation'. The concert will be broadcast live by the BBC.We are innovative, adaptable and creative, making lasting improvements to people's lives.  BBC State that "We respect everyone we work with: our audiences, partners and colleagues. We seek to understand context, and to encourage diversity. We support, challenge and value our colleagues and partners, learning from each other.". The BBC are funded through their consumers paying their TV license on a rolling contract.

-How does the BBC broadcast or provide content nationally, locally and globally?

The BBC broadcast their programmes in the UK and also in America. They use BBC Worldwide ; BBC Worldwide is a principal commercial arm and a wholly owned subsidiary of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). Its vision is to build the BBC's brands, audiences, commercial returns and reputation across the world.

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